Kia ora to all our Springs-Waiōrea (WSCW) whānau, below are our key dates & events…
If you drive to Springs, Waiorea or TAPAC you will be aware that the Auckland Council car park is very congested. This has become a major health and safety concern.
We have logged the issue with Auckland Transport and NZ Bus and there will be line marking taking place to improve the safety.
In the meantime would staff, students, whanau and vistors please do the following:
1) NOT park on the lane beside Tapac as that is the official school bus lane. (see photo attached).
2) Please follow the ONE WAY system – the entrance is at the Tapac end of the car park on Motions Road. The exit is beside the school sign (beside the school hall)
onto Motions Road).
onto Motions Road).
3) Please keep to the speed limit of 10k.
NZ Bus will be monitoring the car park at drop off and pick up time to ensure that the bus is able to get through the car park. We have had instances where the bus has been unable to gain access due to cars parked outside of the marked spaces.
Remember – this is a public car park and is not under the control of the school.
Thanks for your co-operation with this.
Jessie Bernard
Health & Safety Manager
09 815 6730 x708