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Waiorea would like to share with you the following email which was penned by Whaea Jess

Tēnā tātou katoa,

This evening it was my honour and privilege to attend the Te Ara a Kupe Beaton Scholarship Awards Ceremony (Set up by Crimson’s Co-Founder and CEO – Jamie Beaton)  alongside Isabella Ashby and her mātua.

Bella applied for this scholarship and made the shortlist of 20 Maori students (from across all NZ schools) who were invited to this evenings ceremony where the top 5 applicants are named and awarded a scholarship valued at $20,000.

To be honest I’d never heard of this scholarship before, and it seems it hasn’t been around very long. However here is the link for your perusal.

The calibre of students who applied for this scholarship were AMAZING!!! The judges panel was also OUTSTANDING as you will see via the link above.

Anyway……Bella was named as one of 5 lucky recipients and was over the moon to have been called out! Her māmā, pāpā and I were all so very proud of her! She outspoke all other recipients with her mihi just to add the cherry on the top. All class!

I’d like to say that not only was I proud of Bella but upon arrival who else should be there but Nathaniel Howe – as MC, and what do you know, some of our past Waiorea students who performed a few ‘kapa haka’  items over the evening. Waiorea ki te whare!

I also commend our NPoW-WSC staff for all the hard work that is put into our ākonga and our kura. Tonight highlighted some of the things that we (collectively) can be super proud of!


Whaea Jess.

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