Kia ora to all our Springs-Waiōrea (WSCW) whānau, below are our key dates & events…
Now is a good time to read an eBook
Since you are unable to visit the library, it is a good opportunity to browse our eBook collection where you will find many interesting titles of your choice of genre. There are classics, fantasy, mystery and much much more.
Here are instructions, in case you have forgotten or did not know how to borrow an eBook.
eBooks – How can you access books from home?
There are over 1,800 e-Books on offer here:
Instructions for reading e-Books on your own device:
- Go to
- Click eplatform app
- Click App Store or Google Play or Windows 10 button > download app
- Click app icon and find your library by entering Western Springs College or searching through the list > select Western Springs College
- Login via open id (your gmail + password)
- Browse library > select book > borrow now > read now
- After a few seconds the book should be ready for reading offline
- The book/s you are currently reading are listed under My Shelf. To borrow more books click on Western Springs College
RESEARCH – Here is how the library can help – try the EPIC database
Log into the WSC Library Accessit Web app landing page
Enter a search word in the ‘Search’ box
Scroll to ‘One Search’
Epic log in details: Username – wstspringscoll
Password – 22springs
Hope these links are useful and students will take the opportunity to become familiar with other features of the Accessit web app.
Sharda Patel
Library Manager
- ‘One Search’ – allows searching across multiple online content. The results will not only retrieve library books but also the online encyclopedia, newspapers, magazines, and videos. Furthermore by scanning a QR code a resource can be downloaded onto a smartphone or tablet.