Kia ora to all our Springs-Waiōrea (WSCW) whānau, below are our key dates & events…

Open Week school tours (actually extended to 8 days) preceding the 2023 enrolment season have now been completed with a huge amount of interest evident from our feeder schools. Additional tours are offered each Friday morning for those who weren’t able to fit a tour in during the Open Week(s). Register at the main office.
Masterplanning for the next stage of our school development has begun with a timeline of 3 months to get this process completed. This will enable a budget to be set which will inform the scale of the next stage of the development. It is likely that the current administration block and staffroom (A block) will be demolished to make way for the new developments at both Springs and Waiōrea.
- With winter weather, ills and chills now well upon us, I need to urge again the use of masks to keep us all safe. Student attendance is still stuck in the low 80% range and staff absences are creeping up – 17 teachers away today which represents 13% of the teaching staff and 8 support staff members away. Seven absences are staff members with Covid, the rest either sick or isolating because they are household contacts. This message from the MOE emphasises this point:
- It’s strongly encouraged that face masks continue to be worn by students and staff in Years 4-13 when indoors. Face masks are one of the key health measures to help slow the spread of COVID-19 in indoor settings.
Our nurses are monitoring symptoms amongst students closely and any sick students will be sent home. Please do not send your child to school if they are sick.
Ngā mihi,