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2024 Auckland Teams Racing Cup

Earlier this years, 22 teams attended the regatta held from the Royal Akarana Yacht Club on March 20th-22nd. This was the second year that WSC has entered a team with the team captain Toby Dunn doing most of the work…

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Women in Engineering

The University of Auckland is offering an amazing holiday camp for Year 11 students who identify as women. Run over three days, the attendees will have the opportunity to explore the Faculty of Engineering, meet other like-minded women, and put…

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Rudd School of ROCK

We have just released some new times for guitar, drums, piano, keyboard and vocal lessons at our Grey Lynn venue and we’d be delighted to have more WSCW students join us for after-school tuition, whether they are complete beginners or…

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Gaming and Artificial Intelligence Talk

On Friday 10 May Dr Simon McCallum spoke to senior Mathematics and Digital Technology classes about the course he simultaneously teaches at Victoria University and Norwegian University of Science and Technology. He spoke about having the right motivational tools for…

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Netsafe whānau evening

Last week we were privileged to have the CEO of Netsafe, Brent Carey come and talk to whānau about how to support our young people/rangitahi in online spaces. Preceding Brent’s presentation our HoD of Digital Learning & Communications gave a…

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