From our Principal
Those alumni who attended Seddon from 1967 to 1983 will, I’m sure, remember Cyril Hicks as the principal at that time. On August 23rd this year Cyril celebrated his 103rd birthday!!! Cyril - one of his sons and one of…
Those alumni who attended Seddon from 1967 to 1983 will, I’m sure, remember Cyril Hicks as the principal at that time. On August 23rd this year Cyril celebrated his 103rd birthday!!! Cyril - one of his sons and one of…
Education is a hot topic politically at the moment – as it should be, and the two hottest items appear to be attendance and mathematics achievement in Year 8. Let’s just focus on ATTENDANCE for this Newsletter piece as there…
To our school community, “Kua hinga he tōtara i te wao nui a Tane.” “A mighty tōtara has fallen.” It is with great sadness that we inform you of the passing of one of our beloved teachers, Whaea Kaukura (Māmā…
It has been a very busy Term 2! Thank you for your support with our focus on attendance and lateness as highlighted in our first newsletter for the term. Our average attendance has remained stable across the term. We held…
It has been a busy start to Term 2. Thank you for your support with our focus on attendance and lateness as signalled in our Community Update at the beginning of the term. Our average attendance over the first three…
With the release of the ERO report on student behaviour in New Zealand schools I am reminded how much we in schools depend upon our parents and agencies in the community to manage behavioural issues here at Springs. If we…
An outstanding Scholarship result for 2023 has seen our 2023 Dux Arushi Gupta winning 5 scholarships in the subjects of Biology, Calculus, Chemistry, History and Technology. Arushi will be a student among the Top Scholar awardees at Parliament in May…
Happy New Year to all of our Springs-Waiōrea community! I hope that you all enjoyed the Christmas/New Year period with your family and friends, and that you've been enjoying the brilliant weather! As I said in my Junior prizegiving address:…
It is wonderful to see the feature on Harry-Ashton-Ireland in this Alumni Newsletter. One of the themes I return to time and time again with our students and their parents too, is “what are your next steps?” Focus on your…
With term break upon us, signs of Spring weather beginning to emerge and daylight savings due, I want to wish all students and staff a refreshing break as it will be ‘all on’ next term! Our senior students will have…