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Dance News

The Top Dance Scholar for NZ in 2022 was our very own dance student Minh Anh Tran. Congratulations Minh Anh on this huge achievement! We also celebrate the success of Zara Wong, who was one of just 3 Outstanding Scholars,…

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Scholarship Success

We are delighted to receive notification of the success of Springs - Waiōrea students in the 2022 New Zealand Scholarship Examinations. Congratulations to the students who gained scholarships in the following subjects Biology, Design, History, Dance and Statistics. Special congratulations…

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WSCW Equestrian Team

This has been a tough past few weeks for families with flooding damage to homes and paddocks, many with concerns about horse welfare, both within and outside of the Western Springs community. We hold horse families across the North Island…

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Our school values, with the aim of strengthening relationships in a positive environment, are reflected in our school culture, and enable us to remove barriers to engagement and improve students’ chances of achieving at school and beyond. We all have…

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