Kia ora to all our Springs-Waiōrea (WSCW) whānau, below are our key dates & events…

Term 3 is abuzz with final showcases of senior work in dance, drama and music. Art rooms and digital suites are a hive of activity as senior students begin preparation for end of year assessment and art portfolios. Students are also taking up opportunities outside of the classroom with competitions such as the annual Talent Quest coming up in Week 10!
Most recently, the school community has been celebrating senior work in dance with 13Dance presenting their response to WWI in the choreographed show ‘Reflections’ at TAPAC Theatre. The captivating performance and stories told with dance was incredibly moving. Later this term we look forward to the annual WSC-NPoW Dance Showcase in Week 10!
Congratulations Trina Sellers and Margaret Robertson on your recent musical production ‘Chamber Group and Friends’ in support of the ‘Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Trust NZ’. It is truly special to see community spirit come together in support so thank you for helping our students help other young people.
A reminder at this time of the year to support the efforts of our learning community with payment of school and subject-specific fees. We appreciate your contribution immensely.
Thanks in advance. Creative Arts Faculty.
Kirsty Britton – Arts Coordinator
Dance Workshop with Unitec Dance Students
Fun. Unique. Creative. Connection. Unexpected. Electricity. Funky. Some words our students used to describe the Activate Workshops with Unitec students last week. The brightly dressed third-year Dance students performed and taught dances from their recent Choreolab season to students from Years 9-13 Dance.
The workshop supported the students in choreography and performance as well as giving them an insight into further dance study. This is the start of a relationship with the Unitec dance programme that the WSC Dance Department is keen to explore further.
HOD Dance – Chloe Davison
‘Chamber Group and Friends’ Fundraising Concert
Last Friday night, 24 August, we held our inaugural ‘Chamber Group and Friends’ fundraiser in the hall. A great night was had by all, and audience members said they just loved the huge variety, which ranged from Celtic music, through Reggae, Jazz, Romantic, South American (Astor Piazzola) and stunning solo vocal performances, to a moving dance performance by Y13 Dance Students. We raised over $600 for the ‘Grandparents Raising Grandparents Trust NZ’, an organisation that has been supporting grandparents who raise their grandchildren full time, since 1999. Thank-you to our talented student musicians, the parents who support them in their musical endeavours and who came along to listen to the concert, staff who helped on the night: Helen Long, Bella Pomare, Janine Lawton and Kate Todd and, of course, Margaret Robertson who pulled the whole event together!
Thank you also to the AMAZING Kumo Taiko drumming group – this group of adults and one Western Springs College student, came after work with their huge beautiful drums and provided our Grande Finale. An audio visual spectacular.
If you are able to access Ngā Puna o Waiōrea – Facebook page, have a look at clip of Big Axe’s performance!
To offer further support to the ‘Grandparents Raising Grandparents Trust NZ’ ‘Grandparents Raising Grandparents Trust NZ’ visit
Thanks in advance.
Trina Sellers – Conductor – Chamber Group
Media Studies News
This month we spotlight the 48 hour challenge group ‘Big Boys’. This group of talented and dedicated young filmmakers won the Auckland region student section of 48hr film challenge, this year. I recently had a chat with Charlie Morton the group leader, and he told me a bit about how they’ve been successful and plans for the future.
The group originally got together only last year for the 48hr film challenge, so they’ve come a long way in a short time. They all wanted to do something significant, and the film challenge was one way they could get it done in a pressured time frame. They found the film challenge to be both fun and stressful! Charlie would recommend the 48hr to anyone. As he puts it ‘you can film on your phone, and as long as you’re willing to be productive and determined, you’ll get it done. It doesn’t matter what the scale of your film is ours was a small sized in one location’.
Charlie says that they never expected to get anywhere and are really thrilled they did so well. The group is definitely going to keep making films and will be entering next year’s 48 hour film challenge
‘Big Boys’ are: Charlie Morton, Maddox Brockman, Jasper Putt, Miranda Bull and Angus Williamson.
You can view their award winning film ‘Day Out’ here.
HOD Media – Deb Thompson