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Digital Learning Update April 2021

Last year the Ministry of Education released its Statement of National Education and Learning Priorities. This statement sets out Government’s priorities for education, which include protecting the wellbeing of all learners.  Part of our approach to student well-being is the development…

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Tēnā koutou katoa It has been a busy time in the Drama department preparing eight groups of students for the SGCNZUOSW Regional Shakespeare Festival Auckland West. Last Sunday we took to the road and ventured over to Kristin College’s Dove…

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Raranga Workshop

On Saturday the 20th March a Raranga Wānanga was held in Waioteao at WSC/NPOW to bring together tikanga Māori and sustainability. Whaea Annie Jane Ah Mu, a traditional Maori weaver, who runs raranga community courses, led the kono making workshop…

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May Open Week Tours

OPEN WEEK AT WESTERN SPRINGS COLLEGE – NGĀ PUNA O WAIŌREA SCHOOL TOURS TERM 2 School tours with the Principal will take place from Tuesday 4th May to Friday 7th May 2021, at 9.15am – 10.30am. BOOK YOUR SCHOOL TOUR…

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Homework Centres at WSCW

When What Where Subject help available for: Mondays 3.20 - 4.30 p.m. Pasifika and English Medium Māori Homework Centre Level 2, Pohutukawa 1. English with Tupe Tai, Social Sciences with Jess Sinclair, Written tasks with Trina Sellers Mondays 3.20 -…

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