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The Drama Department are getting ready to present scenes from classic kiwi plays in 11Drama’s A Showcase of New Zealand Theatre. Scenes include Astroman by Albert Belz, Woman Far Walking by Witi Ihimaera, Foreskin’s Lament by Greg McGee, Daughters of…

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Wastewise Clothes Swap

On Wednesday the 22nd and Thursday the 23rd of July Waste Wise ran a clothes swap in the hall where students were given the opportunity to combat fast fashion by swapping second-hand clothes instead of purchasing and throwing away new…

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School Ball 2020

First school ball since lockdown in Eden Park and we kicked the season off with a hiss and a roar! All the students looked stunning and in true Springs/Waiōrea (WSCW) fashion some students creatively interpreted the theme in the way…

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World Vision Youth Leader

We understand the power in young people leading young people. In Aotearoa, our youth are at the forefront of social change and at World Vision we’re doing all we can to empower them. I’m excited to touch base and share two amazing opportunities for your school leavers with World Vision in 2021. Help us…

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Bullock Track Bush

A group of Forest and Bird volunteers are beginning a community project to regenerate the area of bush known as Bullock Track Bush. This involves a major planting plan/weed clearing and maintenance/predator control over a period of several years. We…

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Checking external entries:  We encourage all students to check their external entries before the beginning of September using the school portal in the ‘results’ tab. If you have any questions regarding external entries please contact your subject teacher in the…

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Frisbee Tournament

For the first year Springs has produced 3 Ultimate Frisbee Teams and competed in the Auckland Indoor Frisbee Championships with the help of coaches Anthony Hoenie and Brodie Dye. We had an amazing training season of mudslides, nutmegs and shuttle…

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