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Peace Ambassadors

After the terrible events in Christchurch the WSC NPoW Peace Ambassadors decided to hold a bake sale, with the proceeds going to Victim Support. We also invited students to write a peace message which was attached to our Peace Wheel.…

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Technology News

Year 11 and 13 Design and Visual Communication classes were treated to a visit from freelance Art Director and Graphic Designer Andrea Lo Vetere, last week Andrea has worked for various design agencies, including Colenso. He inspired students, sharing his…

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With the horrific events in Christchurch dominating school life this week I thought it appropriate to share with community some of the things we have done so far to commemorate the lives lost in this act of terrorism. On Monday…

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As we look at moving into a more Open Learning Environment, it seems important to consider the possibility of integrating material from other subject areas into our own. Rather recklessly, I had my two year 9 classes attempt Fraction poetry.…

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