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Careers News

Kitiona Pasene, Otago University liaison officer, presenting to a group of Year 13 students last week in Waiora. Careers Website NEW!! WSC Careers Hub   The WSC Careers Department has just released the WSC Careers Hub. The Careers Hub is…

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Student Exchange

Student Exchange has an exchange student, Anna Pagel, enrolled at Western Springs College. Our local coordinator informs us that she has really immersed herself in the school community and has made many friends. We are in the process of finding…

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News from the History Department

Graeme Moran - HOD History Europe trip! 2017 saw a combined History/Classical Studies trip to Europe. Staff in both departments, having recovered from the 2017 trip, are considering another foray to Europe in 2019. If there are any Year 11s…

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40 Hour Famine

This year the 40 Hour Famine is raising money for refugee children from South Sudan. Conflict, famine and drought have led thousands of South Sudanese children to flee their homes, many without their parents. Money raised will help ensure these kids…

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ASB Polyfest Success 2018

Congratulations to all whom participated in the annual ASB Polynesian Festival! Our school was represented well across all three divisions of the Māori Stage, and managed to place 1st overall in each division. Ngā Puna o Rehu, Ngā Oho o…

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Open Week 2018

Western Springs College is a co-educational secondary school with a proud record of academic, sporting and cultural achievements. We are dedicated to offering excellence in secondary education to families in our community by providing: Skilled and effective teaching delivering high…

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Relay for Life

On Saturday 10th March our Senior Sports Academy students participated in Relay for Life on the North Shore. This event is run by the Cancer Society where all funds go towards research and helping care for those who are going…

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Library News

LIBRARY MONITORS At the end of 2017 we farewelled our senior Library Monitors, some of whom had served the library since junior school.  The annual library award was deservedly given to Aria Toilolo who had been part of the library…

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Science News

Antarctica The Level 2 Environmental Sustainability class & 10AE called Antarctica earlier this term, as they are learning about Climate Change. Dr Rosa Hughes-Currie, a new Science & Physics teacher at Springs, has been onboard the Joides Resolution in the…

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Principal’s News

We are in celebration mode here at Springs/Waiorea with yet another clean sweep of all three divisions of the Maori stage at the annual Polyfest competition at Manukau Stadium. The choreographed beauty of the performances, the power and beauty of…

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