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Principal’s Notes

Subject selection 2022: Special assemblies to address this important aspect of school life have begun with a special focus on our Year 10s who will move into Year 11 and Level 1 NCEA next year.  In their assembly on Thursday…

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Tēnā koutou katoa The Arts departments are a hive of creative activity! Walking through these spaces you will see ākonga and kaiako busily preparing for and refelcting on the multutiude of performance events art work. In week nine of term…

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Message from the Library

LIBRARY ASSISTANT I am thrilled to  welcome Andrew Raba as our new Library Assistant.  He comes with many library skills, being previously employed at public libraries and the Alexander Turnbull Library.  Both students and staff are benefitting from his experience…

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International News

School Holiday Trip At each school holiday, the international department organises a trip or two for our international students so that they can enrich their experience in NZ while sharing a good time with their friends and the staff members.…

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Secondary School Swimming

Our 13-15 years boys' relay team of Sam Kenny, Tobias Beaumont, Jasper Stevenson and Koen Dettling came 6th in the 4x100m freestyle relay and 6th in the 4x50m medley relay.  They also came 4th in the 4x50m freestyle relay behind Auckland Grammar, Westlake Boys…

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