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Featured we have our annual Dance Showcase Collections in Week 10, as well as Talent Quest! Check dates to follow, and add to your list of must-sees to support the incredible work of junior and senior students in these annual…

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Lumino the Dentists has now left Western Springs College but is coming back at the beginning of November, 2018.  There were about fifty senior students they could not get to see but they will seem them in November or December. …

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2–12 October School Holidays TAPAC’s popular holiday programmes are all led by experienced industry professionals. Our October programme features: Make a Film with TV professionals Stephen J Campbell and Angie Sanchez Villar; a Film & TV Audition Workshop with Barefoot Casting’s…

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Lacrosse: The lacrosse season has come to an end, finishing off the year with our Inner City schools' lacrosse tournament last week. Team goals, as well as personal goals, were discussed at our 8am meet up that morning, the girls all showing face although…

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  Term 3 is abuzz with final showcases of senior work in dance, drama and music. Art rooms and digital suites are a hive of activity as senior students begin preparation for end of year assessment and art portfolios. Students…

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