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Puhoi research trip

On a fairly typical Auckland day (cloudy with the ongoing threat of sprinkles), 76 keen Geographers embarked on a trip to the Puhoi River. The goal: to test their hypothesis by gathering field data - stream flow, channel and sediment…

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Te Kahui Ako

Since the end of 2015 Western Springs College - Ngā Puna o Waiōrea has been working to develop closer links with the local primary and intermediate schools that many of our students come from.  This led to all the schools…

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ASB Polyfest Success 2018

Congratulations to all whom participated in the annual ASB Polynesian Festival! Our school was represented well across all three divisions of the Māori Stage, and managed to place 1st overall in each division. Ngā Puna o Rehu, Ngā Oho o…

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Relay for Life

On Saturday 10th March our Senior Sports Academy students participated in Relay for Life on the North Shore. This event is run by the Cancer Society where all funds go towards research and helping care for those who are going…

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Science News

Antarctica The Level 2 Environmental Sustainability class & 10AE called Antarctica earlier this term, as they are learning about Climate Change. Dr Rosa Hughes-Currie, a new Science & Physics teacher at Springs, has been onboard the Joides Resolution in the…

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FMC Tramping Scholarship Trip

Western Springs College has had an active trampling club for three years. The club has grown and usually does a couple of tramps per school term.  The school club partnership with the Auckland Tramping Club over the last two years…

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