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48 Hour Film Competition – The National Grand Finals

The National Grand Finals of the 48 Hour Film Competition is being held in Wellington/Te Whanganui a Tara on July 27th. We are thrilled to have two of our teams…

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Whaea Kaukura Tepaki (Māmā Kau) – sunrise 21 Dec 1964, sunset 10 Jul 2024

To our school community, “Kua hinga he tōtara i te wao nui a Tane.” “A mighty tōtara has fallen.” It is with great sadness that we inform you of the…

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WSCW Open Week Tours – Week 2, Term 3, 2024

OPEN WEEK TOURS at WESTERN SPRINGS COLLEGE-NGĀ PUNA O WAIŌREA School Tours will take place with the Principal (or Senior Leader): from 9am-10:30am Monday 29th July to Friday 2nd August…

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2024 Auckland City Mission Appeal

Kia ora Springs-Waiōrea whānau, We're in the last days before the Term 2 holidays to bring in items for our annual Auckland City Mission appeal. Each whānau (form) class has…

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2024 WSCW School Ball – a roaring success!

Our 2024 WSCW School Ball took place at the Ellerslie Events Centre this year on Saturday 8th June. This year's theme was "Old Hollywood" and all of our students &…

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Pathways & Subject Choices Evening – 25th July

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Principal’s Notes – July 2024

It has been a very busy Term 2! Thank you for your support with our focus on attendance and lateness as highlighted in our first newsletter for the term. Our…

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Kapa Haka Nationals success for NPoW!

Whakatū, Nelson, recently played host to Te Huinga Whetū National Kura Tuarua Kapa Haka Competition, gathering together 42 of the top secondary schools across Aotearoa, showcasing their skills in traditional…

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Emergency Procedure Drills at WSCW

Ensuring the safety of our ākonga/students and kaiako/kaimahi/staff is our top priority at WSCW. To prepare for potential emergencies, we conduct two types of drills each year: Evacuation and Lockdown.…

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Fantastic 48 Hour Film success!

A huge congratulations to Eamonn Grayson-Hobbs, Jed Leeves, Liam Brannigan and Pierre Donsimoni-Windley, who won Best School Team in the 48 Hour Film Competition Tamaki Makaurau Regional heats with their…

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Best wishes for the Touch World Cup, Pete!

We'd like to wish our WSC Director of Sports, Peter McIntyre, his whānau and his NZ teams all the best for the upcoming Touch World Cup, which is being held…

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The colours of WSC-NPoW

Here is another great photo from our Year 11 International student, Yisu Wang. Here is Yisu's inspiration for his photo - "I was at school and the sky was very…

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Western Springs College – Homestay Families Wanted

Our school welcomes applications from local families who may be interested in hosting International Students. Ever thought of hosting an International student? Do you have a spare room available? We are looking for families…

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Dance Department News

Our Dance tauira / students have participated in a range of great co-curricular activities this term. Year 10 students and their dance teachers went into town on a Friday night…

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The Big Sing Success!

This year our schools participated in the Auckland Regionals of The Big Sing, a national choral competition run by the NZ Choral Federation. Both groups performed on Tuesday 18 June…

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Library News

The library has been collaborating with the history department to bring literature into the teaching of subjects such as Vietnam and the settlement of New Zealand. In June, Andrew visited…

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Arushi Gupta pursuing her STEM passion

Our 2023 Dux Arushi Gupta won 5 scholarships in the subjects of Biology, Calculus, Chemistry, History and Technology. Arushi was a student among the Top Scholar awardees at Parliament in…

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Jammin’ Through June in Te Whare Puoro

The musical chaos continued in Te Whare Puoro (The Music Department) throughout June and we are loving it! Smokefreerockquest Auckland Central Regional Finals 2024 Our five incredible bands rocked the…

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Western Springs Newsletter #5 – July 3rd, 2024

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BISC – seeking new members

Business in Service of Communities (BISC) is a local business networking group who have been supporting Western Springs College-Nga Puna o Waiōrea for many years, and it is now seeking…

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Yoga for Student Wellbeing – free 8-week course in Term 3!

Yoga for Student Wellbeing - Sign up for a Free 8-Week Course in Term 3 Come and learn how to practice yoga over 8-weeks in Term 3. When: Thursdays after…

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WSCW Rugby returns!

The Western Springs College-Ngā Puna o Waiōrea (WSCW) Rugby team is registered in the 1RB (restricted Under 85kg) School Boys Rugby grade for the 2024 season. It is the first…

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PAG Movie Night Fundraiser 20th June 2024

Kia ora WSC-NPoW whānau, You’re invited to the Parent Action Group (PAG) movie night fundraiser, straight from the French Film Festival on 20th June: 'The Taste of Things', directed by…

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Western Springs Newsletter #4 – May 21st, 2024

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Principal’s Notes – May 2024

It has been a busy start to Term 2. Thank you for your support with our focus on attendance and lateness as signalled in our Community Update at the beginning…

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Smokefreerockquest and Tangata Beats 2024

We have had a stellar year for Rockquest and Tangata Beats entries with 11 bands performing in the Central Auckland heats last Saturday and two entries for the Solo/Duo section…

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Kura finalist in the NZ Biosecurity awards

It was wonderful to have our kaitiaki mahi acknowledged by being shortlisted as one of three kura finalists in the NZ Biosecurity awards. Our Waitītiko awa (Meola Creek) restoration work…

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More wonderful photos taken by Year 11 International student, Yisu Wang.

The first picture was taken in Wanaka, at sunset. The sunlight was beautiful. Yisu used a short exposure of 1 second to get the flowing effect of the water. This…

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It is May Music Madness in Te Whare Puoro

Te Whare Puoro - The Music Department is rocking out in May for Te Marama Puoro O Aotearoa - NZ Music Month 2024. We are celebrating all month long with…

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Seeking volunteer Reader/Writers for the Derived Grade exams in September

The Learning Support Department is now thinking about recruiting volunteer Reader/Writers for the September Derived Grade exams. If you like connecting with young people, have strong literacy skills and would…

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Year 12 Geography Trip Term 2 2024

We kicked off Term 2 with the first of our Geography Department overnight field trips. Thirty-seven keen Geographers set off to Tongariro National Park with their four favourite teachers and…

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Western Springs College – Homestay Families Wanted

Our school welcomes applications from local families who may be interested in hosting International Students. Ever thought of hosting an International student? Do you have a spare room available? We are looking for families…

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Life Skills class has written a book!

Term one in Life Skills has been an exciting and productive time. The students have written a book! The inspiration came from horse and knight figurines. Students' ideas flowed as…

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2024 Auckland Teams Racing Cup

Earlier this years, 22 teams attended the regatta held from the Royal Akarana Yacht Club on March 20th-22nd. This was the second year that WSC has entered a team with…

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Women in Engineering

The University of Auckland is offering an amazing holiday camp for Year 11 students who identify as women. Run over three days, the attendees will have the opportunity to explore…

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Otago Maths Competition

Congratulations to Anya Gupta, Bee Lin, Dan Suciu, Jiani Wu, Sarai Betsalel, and Sam Johnston for participating and doing their best in the first part of the Otago Maths Competition!

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Clothing Swap (June 18th, 2024) – call for items

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Springs/Waiōrea Policies Review – Term 2, 2024

Our school policies and procedures are maintained through SchoolDocs, which follows a 3-year review schedule to keep them up to date. Each term, the whole school community (whānau, parents, caregivers,…

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Restorative work at the Waitītiko awa 

For more than a decade restorative work has been carried out at the Waitītiko awa (Meola Creek) by Waiōrea and Springs students, kaiako and whānau.  The work is driven by…

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Rudd School of ROCK

We have just released some new times for guitar, drums, piano, keyboard and vocal lessons at our Grey Lynn venue and we’d be delighted to have more WSCW students join…

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Gaming and Artificial Intelligence Talk

On Friday 10 May Dr Simon McCallum spoke to senior Mathematics and Digital Technology classes about the course he simultaneously teaches at Victoria University and Norwegian University of Science and…

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Netsafe whānau evening

Last week we were privileged to have the CEO of Netsafe, Brent Carey come and talk to whānau about how to support our young people/rangitahi in online spaces. Preceding Brent’s…

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Library Art Commission by Rufus Holmes

We are delighted to share with you the latest addition to the Art collection commissioned by the library, now displayed in the canteen. Last year Lily Laita - our long…

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WSC-NPoW Board Meeting #2 – 8 Apr 2024 (Agenda)


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Western Springs Newsletter #3 – Apr 5th, 2024

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Ngā Puna O Waiōrea – 2024 Polyfest Champions!

Week 8 of Term 1 was a busy, but successful, one for all of our Ngā Puna o Waiōrea (NPoW) ākonga, kaiako, tutors and whānau involved in the Polyfest 2024…

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Public transport fares: changes for under 25s from Weds 1st May 2024

Fares for travel on AT buses, trains and ferries are changing for under 25 year olds from Wednesday 1st May 2024. Free travel for 5 to 12 year olds and…

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Business In Service to the Community (BISC) Directory

The BISC directory  is here

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Senior (Years 11-13) Student Whānau Interviews, Reports and Traffic Light Reports

Senior student whānau interviews to discuss Term 1 Progress Reports will take place on Thursday 11th April 2024 from 10am-7pm. There will be no onsite learning for any students on…

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Easter stars over Mt Taranaki

Check out this amazing photo snapped over the Easter break by our Year 11 International student, Yisu Wang. In his own words, "I first went to the Mangorei Track Trailhead…

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Sporting Achievements for T1, 2024

Here are a few of the sporting achievements of students from Western Springs College-Ngā Puna o Waiōrea (WSCW) during Term 1 of 2024. Mountain Biking Results The Auckland Schools Mountain…

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Principal’s Notes – April 2024

With the release of the ERO report on student behaviour in New Zealand schools I am reminded how much we in schools depend upon our parents and agencies in the…

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Tira Puoro/Music Groups to Join

We have four music groups that run at lunchtimes that are open to anyone (no auditions). They all happen in Te Whare Puoro (Music department) in Puoro 3 (the big…

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Library News

Term 1 has been busy in the library with over one hundred new books hitting the shelves, including comics, manga, novels, short fiction and non-fiction books on art, sport, and…

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Reminder from PhotoLife

All of our WSC-NPoW parents/caregivers/whānau should have received an email with their child’s unique Key Code to go online to view and purchase 2024 School Photos.       ***FREE DELIVERY EXPIRES Midnight…

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Gently Loved Markets Teens – May 4th, 2024

The Gently Loved Markets Teens Markets will be held on Saturday 4th of May at the Western Springs Garden Community Hall from 10am to 1pm. GLM Teens offers a sustainable market day for 8…

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Western Springs College – Homestay Families Wanted

Our school welcomes applications from local families who may be interested in hosting International Students. Ever thought of hosting an International student? Do you have a spare room available? We are looking for families…

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We’re Big Fans of Joel Little Here in Music

It’s not everyday a Grammy winning former student comes to visit Te Whare Puoro/Music Department so we counted ourselves incredibly lucky to host Joel Little at the start of March.…

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Investing in a calculator

It is recommended that students carry a dedicated scientific calculator to help with their learning. Having a scientific calculator enhances efficiency and accuracy in not only mathematics but other learning…

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Mathex 2024

Mathex is a challenging and fast paced mathematics contest where schools from across Auckland compete against each other in teams to answer questions as quickly as possible. Interested students can…

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Otago Maths Competition

Otago maths competition for students in years 9 to 11 was initiated in 1985 by Professor Derek Holton of the University of Otago Mathematics and Statistics Department, shortly after his…

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Visual Arts News

Talofa Lava! Progress is well under way with our art students engaging with a range of media and art making practices. Art Homework Club We have opened up the art…

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New Zealand Schools Surfing Festival

Taylor May, Ben Holmes-Young, Marcus Magill, Ocean Michael and Harvey Brown recently represented WSCW at the inaugural NZ Schools Surfing Festival held at Muriwai on the 19th and 20th March.…

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Financial Literacy in Y11

Students in our year 11 program have been learning about Financial Literacy using an online platform called Banqer. The topics include interest, credit cards, reading bank statements, and CV writing.…

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Wises day

On the 8th March the Wises groups were hosted by Auckland Zoo for their annual Wises planning and inspiration day.  The day was attended by Wastewise, Digiwise, Healthwise, Travelwise, our…

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TAPAC Board Advertisement

TAPAC is particularly looking for new Board Members with experience in: Finance and Accounting; successful applicant to be appointed as Treasurer. Fundraising. Capital Works. Please attach a cover letter outlining…

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Seeking volunteer Reader/Writers for the Derived Grade exams in September

The Learning Support Department is now thinking about recruiting volunteer Reader/Writers for the September Derived Grade exams. If you like connecting with young people, have strong literacy skills and would…

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New Zealand Traveller Declaration – new digital system

Are you going overseas for the school holidays?  When you return, you can now complete a digital New Zealand Traveller Declaration (NZTD) before you fly back into New Zealand – replacing the…

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Wastewise Clothing Recycle

Tuesday the 26th of March was our first clothing recycle for 2024 in Te Whakamanu. It is run by our fabulous Waste Wise team and teacher in charge Marie Hickey.…

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Western Springs Newsletter #2 – Mar 1st, 2024

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